01/04/24: MOMA HOTELA
Walking out of a saloon, I am confronted with a snake on the ground coiled into a defensive stance. This snake is bizarre - the upper protion of the head mimics a praying mantis with sharp insect eyes and two mantis hands jutting out of both sides of the snake's throat. Walking around the snake causes it to pounce, scaring me enough to run away for so long I wind up in another city where I meet up with one of my friends. We walk into an art gallery/ hotel which is ugly. The elevators are brass dumb-waiters which close very quickly after reaching the second and only other floor. The second floor is coated by mahogany rugs occasionally cut by light yellow wood. The ceiling is low and also wrapped by this design, as are the doors to several rooms. We are alarmed, so we turn back towards an opening in to a walkway which travels parallel to the main hall on the first floor.The rest of the building is just as weird, with notable installations like a giant mouth acting as a children's playplace and an exhibit dedicated to tuberculosis with strange skeletal deformities on display.
When we leave it is nighttime and my friend is hungry for McDonalds, so we hunt for a restaurant. Awhile later, we crossed train tracks to arrive at a gas station McDonalds. All the doors were open but the lights were off, leaving us to explore crowded aisles for some time until we arrived at the right corner of the store whhere a McDonalds clerk was waiting behind a counter. Thus corner was barely lit by a few purple flourescent lights. On the floor stacked on top of each other were boxes of fish and animals. I bought a small octopus, which I put in a fish tank at my office. The next day the octopus escaped it's tank and bit a kid.