05/27/24: Tower 20,000 Leagues into the Earth
There is a tall, ominous government building which drives deep into the Earth, which rests in the center of a deep hole gapping the building from surrounding land for miles. It is only connected by bridges jutting from the primary structure at each of the four cardinal directions. The top floors of the tower are for civilians; residential and recreational floors. Deeper down are occupational floors, and further down from that are government floors. The deeper down into the tower you travel, the tighter security becomes. There are floors below the government level which becmoe more derelict and disturbing the further down you travel. Nobody is allowed to leave the tower.
I worked in the tower holding an occupation on the government floors. What my job was is unclear, but because of my position I had heard of the anomalies deeper within the monolith and wanted to explore the forbidden floors. Travel within the tower was limited to elevators, with each elevator on the habited floors guraded by high security and access codes to reach higher clearance floors. For a reason I do not remeber, I need to bring a child with me in order to get past security.
After we got past the high clearance floors, the atmosphere immediately changed in the following anomalous areas. Elevators only took us down one floor at a time, so to go deeper we needed to exit our elevator and explore the area to find a new elevator. Each floor was disturbed and haunted in a unique way. The last floor I witnessed before waking up was filtered red. I blacked out and woke up on the floor of my real apartment, where a voice claimed that my environment was controlled and I was in a simulation.